Casino Party Invitations Birthday Party Help?

Birthday Party Help? - casino party invitations

So I will do my 17th Birthday in 3 weeks and will be very important. I'm going to a party theme casino, and I have my invitation last week. My parents told me I have a limit of 50 persons. Since I have many friends, I will not be able to invite everyone, so I feel really bad. And it's so annoying because my other friends who would like to invite your friends, but I said no, because they have no place. What should I do? and what should I tell them when they return to school this fall? I feel very bad because they really want to invite, but I canttt ... HELP


Anonymous said...

Ask your parents if you can invite a few more people. Process a large number of first, like twice what you really want. Then, as they say, that the number you want. normally works as the cause of his compromise. and if you want 20 more people who ask loading loading try if you can 45 people over, then when you say is not said, as about 20 people. if you do not more people, only with their friends DONT Let your friends to bring their friends. your game is not theirs. invite their relatives and closest friends do not let the voice of his party than your other friends can not on their pain and suffering. Hope this helps

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